Manufacturing execution system (MES)

As your company grows and its processes get more complex, your manufacturing processes be­come less and less trans­parent. In order not to jeo­pardize the company’s success, you need to re­think traditional methods of organizing tasks and reduce the amount of work in­volved. What can help you here are specialized solutions that improve your management and organization, such as a manufacturing execution system (MES).

The effectiveness of processes depends to a large degree on the organizational talent of the production ma­na­ger.
What is the current situation in your company? Do you, like most, resort to Excel spread­sheets or manual planning charts for production plan­ning, and do you rely on paper more than any other data media? Then it’s high time you adopted a more modern, digital planning tool!

To help your company take the step into digital planning and ma­na­ge­ment processes, hyperMILL® offers integration with the agile Hummingbird MES.
As a CAM manufacturer, we at OPEN MIND are aware of your growing requirements and have there­fore significantly strengthened our co­o­pe­ra­tion with MES provider Hummingbird Systems. This collaboration allows us to perfectly align both systems with each other, maximizing their performance for your production.
Like hyperMILL®, Hummingbird is also modular in design. Step by step, this system can grow into a comprehensive manufacturing ma­na­ge­ment system – together with you.

The key advantage is that the functional scope of the Hummingbird MES always perfectly matches your requirements.


Hummingbird-MES integration in hyperMILL®

MES-CAM - thanks to the Hummingbird-MES integration in hyperMILL®, processes in your manufacturing environment can be better planned and controlled.

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“Experience has shown that a tool making business with a staff of 25 loses the capacity of two employees on average each year. This is because the required information, data and material are not always in the right place at the right time.
This calculation doesn’t account for over­heads caused by manual and thus sometimes incorrect entries, out­dated documents or data.”

Marcus Kalbacher, Consultant MES

CAM and MES: The advantages are plain to see

Even an entry-level configuration or the future modules from Hummingbird, which have been specially ad­ap­ted to hyperMILL®, will simplify your daily work. You benefit from time savings and fewer errors thanks to trans­parent management of your NC data and CAM projects. So, plan and control your manufacturing pro­ces­ses in an agile and smart way! This will help you to always make the right decisions. Increase pro­duc­ti­vi­ty, avoid errors and waste, and meet all deadlines and schedules.


Features of the Hummingbird MES

  • Agile planning options from rough to detailed planning

  • Perfectly integrates with hyperMILL®

  • Modular design

  • Modules specially adapted to hyperMILL®

  • Manageable IT requirements

Want to learn more?

Do you have questions about the special Hummingbird modules for the hyperMILL® CAM software?

If so, contact OPEN MIND at

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